CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Peeref“chinese journal of inorganic chemistry” publishes fundamental studies in all phases of inorganic chemistry, including solid-state chemistry, coordination chemistry, inorganic materials chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, theoretical inorganic chemistry, supermolecule chemistry, applied inorganic chemistry and related …
Zou, X.C., Li, J., Shi, K.Y., Li, G.J. and Fu, X.K. (2012 ... › reference › referencespapersChinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 28, 1031-1037. has been cited by the following article: TITLE: Effects of the Catalytic System MoO2(acac)2-TBHP in Polyisoprene Epoxidation Using Experimental Design
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry › journalsearchScope “Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry” publishes fundamental studies in all phases of inorganic chemistry, including solid-state chemistry, coordination chemistry, inorganic materials chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, theoretical inorganic chemistry, supermolecule chemistry, applied inorganic chemistry and related field of catalysis.