Customizing USB Devices in CircuitPython › customizing-usb-devices-inMay 20, 2021 · The CircuitPython module that controls serial devices is called usb_cdc. CircuitPython can also optionally provide a second serial device, which is not connected to the console. It's called the data serial device. You can send and receive arbitrary binary data on this device, so it's very useful if you want to exchange data or commands without ...
Customizing USB Devices in CircuitPython › downloads › pdfDec 29, 2021 · Standard CircuitPython USB Devices When you plug a CircuitPython board into a host computer, it shows up as several USB devices. Normally, you see: The CIRCUITPY drive, which is a USB "Mass Storage" (MSC) device. A serial connection to the REPL, which shows up as a COM port on Windows, a / dev/tty device on Linux, or a /dev/cu device on MacOS.
DynaLoRa-USB Download - CircuitPython › board › dynalora_usbDynaLoRa-USB is a low cost and open source, CircuitPython and Arduino compatible, LoRa tinkering dongle designed by and for makers. Our aim is to facilitate access to the hottest radio technology (LoRa) through the use of maker-friendly languages such as Python and the Arduino framework. With that intent, DynaLoRa-USB is a simple device that ...