DHCPOptions - Cisco
www.cisco.com › c › enDHCPv6 Options ThetablebelowliststheDHCPv6options,alongwiththeirdefineddatatypes.Alltheoptionpacketsinclude atleastanoptionlength(option-len)andavariablelengthdatafield.Therecanalsobeadditionalparameter settings,asdescribedinthetable.ManyoftheseoptionsaredescribedinRFC3315. Table9:DHCPv6Options CiscoPrimeNetworkRegistrar No. Description Name(Type)
Configuring DHCP Server - Cisco
www.cisco.com › c › enRouter(dhcp-config)# domain-name cisco.com Router(dhcp-config)# dns-server Router(dhcp-config)# default-router Router(dhcp-config)# exit Router(config)# service dhcp vlan1 Command Purpose 1. configure terminal Enter global configuration mode. 2. ip dhcp pool Create a DHCP server address pool and enters DHCP pool configuration mode.
Configuring DHCP - Cisco
www.cisco.com › asa_84_cli_config › basic_dhcpYou can configure the ASA to send information for the DHCP options listed in RFC 2132. The DHCP options include the following three categories: • Options that Return an IP Address, page 11-4 • Options that Return a Text String, page 11-4 • Options that Return a Hexadecimal Value, page 11-5 The ASA supports all three categories. To configure a DHCP option, choose one of the following commands: Options that Return an IP Address
DHCP options - Cisco Community
community.cisco.com › t5 › switchingMay 02, 2017 · I'm trying to figure out if the options in our dhcp pool are needed or not. We have an NTP server command in our configuration but I'm just wondering if we even need these options in our pool. Here is the configuration for one of our pools. We do use the option 156 for our ShoreTel network, but t...