diyas - NCERT, sugar etc. are manufactured by machines in large industries, some utensils are manufactured in small industries, while items like diyas are made by individual artisans in household industry . Do you have some ideas about these industries? 2015-16
diyas - NCERT › ncerts › lmanufacturing is once again growing at the rate of 9 to 10 per cent per annum. With appropriate policy interventions by the government and renewed efforts by the industry to improve productivity, economists predict that manufacturing can achieve its target over the next decade. The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council
Manufacturing Industries Class 10 PDF › blog › wp-contentManufacturing Industries Class 10 PDF W h at i s M anu f ac t u r i ng ? The process of making a finished product that is ready to sell in the market is called manufacturing, and this procedure can be physical, chemical, or mechanical. Every product that is available in the market for purchase is manufactured somewhere.