WIPO Clause Generator
https://www.wipo.int/amc-apps/clause-generatorWIPO Clause Generator. The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center makes available model clauses and submission agreements to facilitate the referral of intellectual property and technology disputes to WIPO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures, such as mediation or arbitration. The model ADR clauses contain the principal elements of a ...
Arbitration Clause Generator - adrforum.com
www.adrforum.com › clause-generatorIf you need to quickly and efficiently draft an arbitration clause or agreement – start here. Forum 's Clause Generator is an intuitive, easy-to-use tool that helps you determine which elements to include in your arbitration clause. Clause Generator automatically builds the clause for you. TO USE CLAUSE GENERATOR, SIMPLY FOLLOW THESE EASY STEPS:
WIPO Clause Generator
www.wipo.int › amc-apps › clause-generatorThe WIPO Clause Generator allows parties to develop their clauses and submission agreements through the following steps: Select type of disputes (i.e., future or existing); Select type of WIPO ADR procedure (s) (e.g., WIPO Mediation, WIPO Arbitration, WIPO Expedited Arbitration, or... Select clause ...