CREATE - ClickHouse Documentation › database › ClickhouseDocs_19CREATE - ClickHouse Documentation CREATE CREATE DATABASE Creating db_name databases CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name A database is just a directory for tables. If IF NOT EXISTS is included, the query won't return an error if the database already exists. CREATE TABLE The CREATE TABLE query can have several forms.
Clickhouse Create Table As Excel › excel › clickhousePosted: (1 week ago) Apr 29, 2019 · Here is the command to create table in clickhouse MATERIALIZED is a way to generate to column that is repeatedly set when a row is inserted built on the function after the keyword. In this circumstance, the function I selected to use is now(), in command to get the insertion timestamp for each row.
TABLE | ClickHouse Documentation › statements › createTABLE | ClickHouse Documentation SQL Reference Statements CREATE CREATE TABLE Creates a new table. This query can have various syntax forms depending on a use case. By default, tables are created only on the current server. Distributed DDL queries are implemented as ON CLUSTER clause, which is described separately. Syntax Forms With Explicit Schema
system.tables | ClickHouse Documentation › docs › encreate_table_query ( String) - The query that was used to create the table. engine_full ( String) - Parameters of the table engine. as_select ( String) - SELECT query for view. partition_key ( String) - The partition key expression specified in the table. sorting_key ( String) - The sorting key expression specified in the table.