Name Email Dev Id Roles Organization; Sergey Serebryanik: serebrserg<at> serebrserg: Viktor Tarnavsky: jkee<at> jkee: Yuriy Galitskiy
clickhouse-jdbc-0.3.2-grpc.jar, 17.3MB, N, Y, N, Y, New JDBC driver with ... select 1 format JSON works in http but not grpc, because grpc client is not ...
In addition, starting from 0.3.2, JDBC driver only works on ClickHouse 20.7 or above, so please consider to either downgrade the driver to 0.3.1-patch or ...
07.01.2022 · Connecting ClickHouse to JDBC bridge. In order to let ClickHouse know that it needs to connect to JDBC bridge we only need to add a small configuration file: config.d/jdbc_bridge.xml: <clickhouse> <jdbc_bridge> <host>clickhouse-jdbc-bridge</host> <port>9019</port> </jdbc_bridge> </clickhouse>.
Java client and JDBC driver for ClickHouse. Java client is async, lightweight, and low-overhead library for ClickHouse; while JDBC driver is built on top of the Java client with more dependencies and extensions for JDBC-compliance. Java 8 or higher is required in order to use Java client ( clickhouse-client) and/or JDBC driver ( clickhouse-jdbc ).
Name Email Dev Id Roles Organization; Sergey Serebryanik: serebrserg<at> serebrserg: Viktor Tarnavsky: jkee<at> jkee: Yuriy Galitskiy
Release v0.3.1. This is a feature release with breaking changes and known issues (expected to be fixed in 0.3.2). It's NOT recommended to upgrade if you feel comfortable with 0.2.x. If your work relies on non-JDBC APIs, you may want to wait until we're done with the refactoring in 0.4.0.
clickhouse-jdbc. JDBC driver for ClickHouse. homepage: ... How to exclude this artifact from Spring Boot JAR ... 0.3.1-patch (7.6.2021) release central.