LocalDateTime has no concept of time zone, it just provides a zero offset UTC+0. On the other hand, ClickHouse sends DateTime formatted using server / column timezone in TabSeparated format - the string value is actually a ZonedDateTime, so I had to convert it back to UTC.
jdbc driver (java) automatically converts datetime values into a client timezone (timezone of your desktop). Clickhouse assumes that you inserted data ...
(shows DateTime at UTC timezone, but my timezone (and timezone at server) is ... 0.3.0 (https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc/releases/tag/v0.3.0); ...
Releases · ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc · GitHub. yesterday. github-actions. v0.3.2-patch1. 75a6aa6. This commit was created on GitHub.com and signed with GitHub’s verified signature . GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23 Learn about vigilant mode . Compare. Choose a tag to compare.
Releases · ClickHouse/clickhouse-jdbc · GitHub. yesterday. github-actions. v0.3.2-patch1. 75a6aa6. This commit was created on GitHub.com and signed with GitHub’s verified signature . GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23 Learn about vigilant mode . Compare. Choose a tag to compare.
Java client and JDBC driver for ClickHouse. Java client is async, lightweight, and low-overhead library for ClickHouse; while JDBC driver is built on top of the Java client with more dependencies and extensions for JDBC-compliance. Java 8 or higher is required in order to use Java client ( clickhouse-client) and/or JDBC driver ( clickhouse-jdbc ).
Apr 09, 2018 · I want to fix jdbc timezone to UTC only (servers is always = UTC) how to achieve this? I would like to disable all time conversion in clickhouse-jdbc. I need something like this: select toDateTime('2017-03-01 23:59:11') .rs.getTimestamp() === '2017-03-01 23:59:11' BUT:
system.time_zones. Contains a list of time zones that are supported by the ClickHouse server. This list of timezones might vary depending on the version of ClickHouse. Columns: time_zone (String) — List of supported time zones.
JDBC driver for ClickHouse. ... Java 100.00% clickhouse jdbc jdbc-driver ... I think, It would be better to set timezone in jdbc as a property and do this ...
Based on my understanding, the result should be consistent with clickhouse-client - actually 0.3.1 returned correct result for the first case but failed for the second. However, it's just my opinion, since timezone only affects string representation of a timestamp, so toDateTime('2020-01-01 00:00:00') should be really treated as toDateTime('2020-01-01 00:00:00', 'Canada/Atlantic') in …
The clickhouse-client applies the server time zone by default if a time zone isn't explicitly set when initializing the data type. To use the client time zone, ...
system.time_zones. Contains a list of time zones that are supported by the ClickHouse server. This list of timezones might vary depending on the version of ClickHouse. Columns: time_zone (String) — List of supported time zones.
In this case, jdbc client should respect the server/column timezone by default, and has ability to customize the timezone for parse time to LocalDateTime Not quite sure what exactly you need. It sounds like you should use ZonedDateTime not LocalDateTime, as the latter one has nothing to do with timezone and the driver already took care of timezone conversion automatically for you.
followed is the exception stack: java.lang.RuntimeException: ru.yandex.clickhouse.except.ClickHouseUnknownException: ClickHouse exception, code: 1002, host: 10.17.27 ...
Regardless what server time zone is and use_time_zone is set to, JDBC driver always format timestamp in local timezone, which is very confusing and this is inconsistent with clickhouse-client. Let's take it as a bug. I'll add more test cases to cover this and get it fixed in next release. Server TimeZone: UTC Berlin : [JDBC] 2021-03-25 08:50:56 ...
09.04.2018 · Timezone doesn't affect getString(), but only affects getDate() and getTime() by parsing the textual value returned from the server in the timezone you set (or server timezone by default). To achieve correct Date object, the timezone set to driver must be the timezone of server (it prints date to text in its timezone, and to achieve correct result it must be parsed in same …