ClickHouse安装使用(单机、集群、高可用) - 小跑、追幸福 - 博客园 · 分别在三个节点创建复制表: CREATE TABLE default.test (`eventdate` Date, `company` String, `deliveryno` String, `usercardtype` String, `id` String, `name` String, `mob` String, `orgcode` String, `creditcode` String, `taxregno` String, `type` String, `cardid` String, `staffna` String, `staffmob` String, `staffaddress` String, `checkdate` String, `method` String, …
Server Settings | ClickHouse Documentation › docs › enDefines the fraction of total physical RAM amount, available to the ClickHouse server. If the server tries to utilize more, the memory is cut down to the appropriate amount. Possible values: Positive double. 0 — The ClickHouse server can use all available RAM. Default value: 0.9. Usage
remote | ClickHouse Documentation › table-functions › remoteThe host can be specified as the server name, or as the IPv4 or IPv6 address. An IPv6 address is specified in square brackets. The port is the TCP port on the remote server. If the port is omitted, it uses tcp_port from the server’s config file in remote (by default, 9000) and tcp_port_secure in remoteSecure (by default, 9440).