09.12.2021 · I am trying to set up a ClickHouse cluster with 1 shard and 2 replicas using docker. For testing purposes, I only have one zookeeper in a single container and two ClickHouse containers. Creating non
Hi all, I met can't create table ... already exists, will try again error ... message: Replica /clickhouse/clickhouse-cluster/tables/01/default/t_local/ ...
07.03.2017 · The config just says how the shards are arranged, it doesn't have anything to do with replica names. I would recommend spinning up a new replica, adding it to cluster configuration, and then let it replicate. When it's done, you can stop the old replica and remove the replica path from zookeeper and cluster configuration (so yes).
If this table already exists on other servers, ... In other words, replicated tables can have different names on different replicas. ClickHouse uses Apache ZooKeeper for storing replicas meta information. Use ZooKeeper version 3.4.5 or newer. To use replication, set parameters in the zookeeper server configuration section.
This was an issue when I was manually specifying parameters on the replicated tables constructor, saying that the replica already exists even though it did not because I deleted the tables and database. How to reproduce CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db.tablename ON CLUSTER ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db.tablename_2 ON ...
If this table already exists on other servers, it adds a new replica. The DROP TABLE query deletes the replica located on the server where the query is run.
1 — ClickHouse always sends a query to the localhost replica if it exists. 0 — ClickHouse uses the balancing strategy specified by the load_balancing setting. ... the write is considered failed and ClickHouse will delete the inserted block from all the replicas where data has already been written. When insert_quorum_parallel is disabled, ...