SET | ClickHouse Documentation › docs › enSET Statement. SET param = value. Assigns value to the param setting for the current session. You cannot change server settings this way. You can also set all the values from the specified settings profile in a single query. SET profile = 'profile-name-from-the-settings-file'. For more information, see Settings. Rating: 2.8 - 4 votes.
Settings | ClickHouse Documentation › docs › enClickHouse applies this setting when the query contains the product of distributed tables, i.e. when the query for a distributed table contains a non-GLOBAL subquery for the distributed table. Only applied for IN and JOIN subqueries. Only if the FROM section uses a distributed table containing more than one shard.
Introduction | ClickHouse Documentation › docs › enSettings in the users.xml server configuration file. Set in the element <profiles>. Session settings. Send SET setting=value from the ClickHouse console client in interactive mode. Similarly, you can use ClickHouse sessions in the HTTP protocol. To do this, you need to specify the session_id HTTP parameter.