Domains - Cloudron Docs the Cloudron dashboard, choose AWS Route53 from the drop down. Vultr DNS. To get started: Ensure the domain is hosted using Vultr DNS. If not, you can follow this guide to migrate an existing domain to use the service. Create a Vultr API token. Add the server's IP in the Access Control section. In the Cloudron dashboard, choose Vultr from ...
Cloudron 6.3 released › cloudron-6-3-releasedJul 08, 2021 · Cloudron 6.3 released. We are happy to announce the release of Cloudron 6.3! For those unaware, Cloudron is a platform that makes it easy to run web apps like WordPress, Nextcloud, GitLab on your server and keep them up-to-date and secure. Cloudron 6.3 has added many new features including Vultr DNS, Vultr Object Storage, Volume mounts, 2FA ...
Domains - Cloudron Docs › domainsIn the Cloudron dashboard, choose AWS Route53 from the drop down. Vultr DNS. To get started: Ensure the domain is hosted using Vultr DNS. If not, you can follow this guide to migrate an existing domain to use the service. Create a Vultr API token. Add the server's IP in the Access Control section. In the Cloudron dashboard, choose Vultr from ...