Symbolic links CMake › symbolic-links-cmakemacro(install_symlink filepath sympath) install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${filepath} ${sympath})") install(CODE "message(\"-- Created symlink: ${sympath} -> ${filepath}\")") endmacro(install_symlink) Use it like this (similar to ln -s): install_symlink(filepath sympath)
Symbolic links CMake - Stack Overflow › questions › 35765106Dec 30, 2021 · macro(install_symlink filepath sympath) install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${filepath} ${sympath})") install(CODE "message(\"-- Created symlink: ${sympath} -> ${filepath}\")") endmacro(install_symlink) Use it like this (similar to ln -s): install_symlink(filepath sympath)
Symbolic links CMake - links CMake Another way to do it: INSTALL(CODE "execute_process( \ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \ ${target} \ ${link} \ )" ) This way the symlinking will be done during make installonly. You can create a custom target and use CMake to create symlinks ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(link_target ALL
Symbolic links CMake - Stack Overflow · You can create a custom target and use CMake to create symlinks ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET (link_target ALL COMMAND $ {CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink $ {target} $ {link}) This will only work on systems that support symlinks, see guide. Available on UNIX only: create_symlink old new - create a symbolic link new -> old Share Improve this answer
CMAKE_INSTALL_MODE — CMake 3.23.0-rc2 Documentation › cmake › helpThe following values are allowed for CMAKE_INSTALL_MODE: COPY, empty or unset. Duplicate the file at its destination. This is the default behavior. ABS_SYMLINK. Create an absolute symbolic link to the source file at the destination. Halt with an error if the link cannot be created. ABS_SYMLINK_OR_COPY
install › commandSome of them define installation options for files and targets. ... you don't also install the Libraries component, the namelink will be a dangling symlink, ...
install — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation › cmake › helpChanged in version 3.22: The environment variable CMAKE_INSTALL_MODE can override the default copying behavior of install (). There are multiple signatures for this command. Some of them define installation options for files and targets. Options common to multiple signatures are covered here but they are valid only for signatures that specify them.