cmake Tutorial => Strings and Lists › cmake › exampleExample. It's important to know how CMake distinguishes between lists and plain strings. When you write: set(VAR "a b c") you create a string with the value "a b c". But when you write this line without quotes: set(VAR a b c) You create a list of three items instead: "a", "b" and "c". Non-list variables are actually lists too (of a single element).
examples/CMakeLists.txt - Dlib › examples › CMakeListsCMake is a tool that helps you build C++ programs. # You can download CMake from This CMakeLists.txt file # you are reading builds dlib's example programs. # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) # Every project needs a name. We call this the "examples" project. project(examples) # Tell cmake we will
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha · CMake lists can be iterated, searched, sorted, reversed, ... As you may have gleaned from the last example the list command also supports a set of index-based ... TRANSFORM, and FILTER. I won’t cover all of these since most do exactly what they advertise and are absolutely straightforward to use. Transform supports regular ...
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation ¶. The list subcommands APPEND, INSERT, FILTER, PREPEND , POP_BACK, POP_FRONT, REMOVE_AT, REMOVE_ITEM , REMOVE_DUPLICATES, REVERSE and SORT may create new values for the list within the current CMake variable scope. Similar to the set () command, the LIST command creates new variable values in the current scope, even if the list ...
examples/CMakeLists.txt - Dlib CMakeLists.txt file # you are reading builds dlib's example programs. # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.12) # Every project needs a name. We call this the " examples " project. project (examples) # Tell cmake we will need dlib. This command will pull in dlib and compile it # into your project. Note that you don't need to compile or ...
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation › cmake › helpA list in cmake is a ; separated group of strings. To create a list the set command can be used. For example, set (var a b c d e) creates a list with a;b;c;d;e, and set (var "a b c d e") creates a string or a list with one item in it. (Note macro arguments are not variables, and therefore cannot be used in LIST commands.)
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha › 2021 › 03Mar 15, 2021 · A CMake list is a semicolon-separated sequence of elements. And since everything in CMake is a string, this means that a list is a semicolon-separated sequence of strings, making itself a string. Because who needs a type system, right? This may also be true the other way around – a string may be a list, but isn’t necessarily one.