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cmake list filter

[cmake-developers] [PATCH] Added FILTER subcommand to ...
https://cmake-developers.cmake.narkive.com › ...
In response to issue 0003986, I've implemented a FILTER subcommand to the "list" command that filters a list using a regular expression.
cmake Tutorial => Strings and Lists
It's important to know how CMake distinguishes between lists and plain strings. When you write: set (VAR "a b c") you create a string with the value "a b c". But when you write this line without quotes: set (VAR a b c) You create a list of three items instead: "a", "b" and "c". Non-list variables are actually lists too (of a single element).
cmake how to exclude ._ files in macos in FILE(GLOB ) directive
https://stackoverflow.com › cmake...
1 Answer 1 · The list(FILTER ...) needs INCLUDE or EXCLUDE keyword · The file(GLOB ...) by default will return full paths, so you need to add the ...
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
A list in cmake is a ; separated group of strings. To create a list the set command can be used. For example, set (var a b c d e) creates a list with a;b;c;d;e, and set (var "a b c d e") creates a string or a list with one item in it. (Note macro arguments are not variables, and therefore cannot be used in LIST commands.)
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha
jeremimucha.com › 2021 › 03
Mar 15, 2021 · $ cmake -S . -B build imaList1: This;is;a;list imaList2: This;is;also;a;list notaList: This is not a list. As you can see a list may be declared using the set command. This may be done explicitly – by assigning the variable to a string containing semicolons, or implicitly, by specifying each element separated with whitespace.
file — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
List of post-exclude filenames through which to filter the names of resolved dependencies. Symlinks are resolved when attempting to match these filenames. These arguments can be used to exclude unwanted system libraries when resolving the dependencies, or to include libraries from a specific directory.
Filtering with CMake? - Stack Overflow
04.09.2011 · In pure cmake you have at least 3 ways to go: 1) configure_file command. is useful for simple replaces, when you only need to substitute some placeholders within the template file based on current project configuration; cmake will automatically generate dependency on template file and will regenerate your file on template changes.
Cmake命令之list介绍 - 简书
www.jianshu.com › p › 89fb01752d6f
3.2 FILTER:子命令FILTER用于根据正则表达式包含或排除列表中的元素。 list (FILTER <list> <INCLUDE|EXCLUDE> REGEX <regular_expression>) 根据模式的匹配结果,将元素添加(INCLUDE选项)到列表或者从列表中排除(EXCLUDE选项)。此命令会改变原来列表的值。
[CMake] How to easily extract items from a list which match a ...
cmake.org › pipermail › cmake
to the LIST command? LIST(FILTER <list> <regex> [<regex> ...] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <variable>]) FILTER removes items from <list> which do not match any of the specified regular expressions. An optional argument OUTPUT_VARIABLE specifies a variable in which to store the matched items instead of updating <list>. So that we could write this:
list: Add FILTER subcommand (#3986) · 0205f882ae - CMake
https://git.backbone.ws › commit
CMake - My patches to CMake. ... Create a `list(FILTER)` command to filter lists by regular expression. master. Ashley Whetter 6 years ago.
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha
15.03.2021 · CMake lists can be iterated, searched, sorted, reversed, transformed. Recent versions of CMake support quite a rich set of operations – pretty much everything you’d expect is there. I’ve already shown how to define a list, let’s move on to something equally basic – …
list — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
list (FILTER <list> <INCLUDE|EXCLUDE> REGEX <regular_expression>) New in version 3.6. Includes or removes items from the list that match the mode's pattern. In REGEX mode, items will be matched against the given regular expression. For more information on regular expressions look under string (REGEX).
list — CMake 3.6.3 Documentation
https://cmake.org › help › command
FILTER will include or remove items from the list that match the mode's pattern. In REGEX mode, items will be matched against the given regular expression.
list does not recognize sub-command FILTER - Linux Fixes
https://www.linuxfixes.com › solve...
Issue. cmake --version cmake version 3.5.2 list(FILTER HEADERS EXCLUDE REGEX "^\\..+") CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:49 (list): list does ...
Filtering with CMake? - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 7310231
Sep 05, 2011 · In pure cmake you have at least 3 ways to go: 1) configure_file command. is useful for simple replaces, when you only need to substitute some placeholders within the template file based on current project configuration; cmake will automatically generate dependency on template file and will regenerate your file on template changes.
list(FILTER PREDICATE) (#21413) · Issues - Kitware GitLab
https://gitlab.kitware.com › cmake
This Discourse thread brought up that a list(FILTER <listvar> PREDICATE "args for if()") would be useful. We'd need to determine a variable ...
file — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
List of post-exclude filenames through which to filter the names of resolved dependencies. Symlinks are resolved when attempting to match these filenames. These arguments can be used to exclude unwanted system libraries when resolving the dependencies, or to include libraries from a specific directory. The filtering works as follows:
list() - CMake 3.8 Documentation - TypeError
https://www.typeerror.org › docs
APPEND will append elements to the list. FILTER will include or remove items from the list that match the mode's pattern. In REGEX mode, items will be ...