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cmake regex replace example

'Re: [CMake] Regex help: multi-line matching and ... - MARC
For example to match the backslash character itself, you need to use ... > foreach (match ${matches}) > message ("${match}") > endforeach () > > This produces no matches. If you replace "\n" with " " in the contents > string, then ... This works in other > regex engines, but fails in CMake. > > Is this possible in CMake, or do I ...
https://stackoverflow.com › cmake...
The command expects a regular expression, but you're passing a sed argument in. If you really want to replace all line-end characters with ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 22638673
Mar 25, 2014 · The command expects a regular expression, but you're passing a sed argument in. If you really want to replace all line-end characters with spaces, there's even no need for a regex at all. Just do this: string (REPLACE " " " " output $ {input}) Share. Follow this answer to receive notifications. answered Mar 25, 2014 at 15:14.
CMake: 正規表現 - Qiita
24.12.2014 · CMake では、string(REGEX MATCH)コマンドやctestコマンドの-Rオプションなど、幾つかの文脈で正規表現ができます。 この正規表現は、Ruby や Perl などのそれと比較すると低機能なものとなっており、たとえば英数字とアンダースコア _ にマッチする \w や、数字にマッチする \d などは使用できません。
string — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
CMake language Escape Sequences such as \t, \r, \n, and \\ may be used to construct literal tabs, carriage returns, newlines, and backslashes (respectively) to pass in a regex. For example: The quoted argument "[\t\r\n]" specifies a regex that matches any single whitespace character.
http://man.hubwiz.com › command
string(REGEX REPLACE <match-regex> <replace-expr> <out-var> <input>. ... Note that two backslashes ( \\1 ) are required in CMake code to get a backslash ...
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha
15.03.2021 · CMake lists can be iterated, searched, sorted, reversed, transformed. Recent versions of CMake support quite a rich set of operations – pretty much everything you’d expect is there. I’ve already shown how to define a list , let’s move on to something equally basic – …
[Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX ...
01.04.2003 · [Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX REPLACE ... ) Bitter, Ingmar (NIH/CC/DRD) IBitter at cc . nih . gov Tue, 1 Apr 2003 13:44:37 -0500. Previous message: [Cmake] RE: header files in .dsps Next message: [Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX REPLACE ...
[Cmake] please provide example of use ... - cmake@cmake.org
https://cmake.cmake.narkive.com › ...
Hi, Can someone please give an example of the use of STRING(REGEX REPLACE ... ) I am trying to name my workspace according to the full path, as MSVC++ is
[Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX ...
https://cmake.org › 2003-April
STRING(REGEX REPLACE <pattern> <replacement string> <target variable> <source string>) Can this syntax clarification be added to CMake.rtf ...
[Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX ...
Can someone please give an example of the use of STRING (REGEX REPLACE ... ) I am trying to name my workspace according to the full path, as MSVC++ is. usually not telling me that anywhere. FIND_PATH (BUILD_PATH CMakeLists.txt . ) STRING ("\\" REPLACE "_" BUILD_PATH PROJECT_NAME) PROJECT ($ {PROJECT_NAME}) But my use of the STRING command is …
[Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX REPLACE
cmake.org › pipermail › cmake
Apr 01, 2003 · Previous message: [Cmake] RE: header files in .dsps. Next message: [Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING (REGEX REPLACE ... ) Hi, This (below) was very helpful. Thanks. STRING (REGEX REPLACE <pattern> <replacement string> <target variable> <source string>) Can this syntax clarification be added to CMake.rtf that comes with the ...
string — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
This means that the regular expression ^ab+d$ matches abbd but not ababd, and the regular expression ^(ab|cd)$ matches ab but not abd. CMake language Escape Sequences such as \t, \r, , and \\ may be used to construct literal tabs, carriage returns, newlines, and backslashes (respectively) to pass in a regex. For example:
実践C++応用講座CMake編 第14回 stringコマンドと正規表現
03.11.2019 · CMakeをスクリプト・エンジンとして使う場合、stringコマンドは中心的な役割を担います。std::stringが持つのと同様な基本的機能に加えて、正規表現での検索や置換などstringコマンドは意外に強力です。それらのよく使う機能について解説します。
replace - REGEX_Replace in CMAKE(do not understand the ...
28.01.2018 · The thing is that the first two string literals after REGEX REPLACE are two RegExes (Regular Expressions). So this function will find all the matches of the first RegEx in the last string you specified, and will replace them with the value coming from the second RegEx. The result will be saved in that string-variable before the last.
CMake Lists - Jeremi Mucha
jeremimucha.com › 2021 › 03
Mar 15, 2021 · CMake takes a different approach. A concrete definition could be formulated as follows: A CMake list is a semicolon-separated sequence of elements. And since everything in CMake is a string, this means that a list is a semicolon-separated sequence of strings, making itself a string. Because who needs a type system, right?
[Solved] How to use Cmake string regex replace to get last ...
https://solveforums.msomimaktaba.com › ...
deb Asks: How to use Cmake string regex replace to get last part of path url from multiple instances of path urls and replace the whole path ...
replace - REGEX_Replace in CMAKE(do not understand the ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 48504837
Jan 29, 2018 · The thing is that the first two string literals after REGEX REPLACE are two RegExes (Regular Expressions). So this function will find all the matches of the first RegEx in the last string you specified, and will replace them with the value coming from the second RegEx. The result will be saved in that string-variable before the last.
CMakeLists.txt - Google Git
https://chromium.googlesource.com › ...
cmake / CMakeLists.txt ... Minimum CMake required ... string(REGEX REPLACE "^AC_INIT__Protocol Buffers_,_([^_]+).*$" "\\1".
inviwo/globalutils.cmake at master - GitHub
https://github.com › inviwo › blob
string(TOLOWER ${value} lowercase). string(SUBSTRING ${lowercase} 0 1 first_letter). string(TOUPPER ${first_letter} first_letter). string(REGEX REPLACE "^.
Replace an item in a list with cmake (Example) - Coderwall
25.02.2016 · A protip by typpo about cmake and fml. Coderwall Ruby Python JavaScript Front-End Tools iOS. More Tips Ruby Python JavaScript Front-End Tools iOS PHP Android.NET Java Jobs. Jobs. Sign In or Up. Last Updated: February 25, 2016 · 2.413K · typpo. Replace an item in a list with cmake. #cmake. #fml. To replace string in a list of ...
REGEX REPLACE and non-matching subpatterns (#19012)
https://gitlab.kitware.com › issues
cmake's REGEX REPLACE string function does not handle non-matching subpatterns as expected. Suppose you want to insert a character (e.g., ...
[Cmake] please provide example of use of STRING(REGEX REPLACE
cmake.cmake.narkive.com › b8eiFRAe › please-provide
Can someone please give an example of the use of STRING (REGEX REPLACE ... ) I am trying to name my workspace according to the full path, as MSVC++ is. usually not telling me that anywhere. FIND_PATH (BUILD_PATH CMakeLists.txt . ) STRING ("\\" REPLACE "_" BUILD_PATH PROJECT_NAME) PROJECT ($ {PROJECT_NAME}) But my use of the STRING command is wrong.
25.03.2014 · I need to write regex in cmake lists to replace all ends of lines to spaces. I tried this, but it is incorrect. STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/\s+/g" " " output ${input}) regex cmake. Share. Follow asked Mar 25, 2014 at 15:11. user3248822 user3248822. 219 1 1 ...