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cmake string command

string — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
https://cmake.org › latest › command
The string(FIND) subcommand treats all strings as ASCII-only characters. The index stored in <output_variable> will also be counted in bytes, so strings ...
cmake Tutorial - Variables and Properties - SO Documentation
set (my_global_overwritten_string "foo" CACHE STRING "this is overwritten each time CMake is run" FORCE) Local Variable set (my_variable "the value is a string") By default, a local variable is only defined in the current directory and any subdirectories …
[CMake] FIND sub-command to the STRING command
https://cmake.cmake.narkive.com › ...
Hello, recently I was searching for a CMake option to get the position of a single character (first appearance) out of a string.
CMake: 便利なコマンド・変数 - Qiita
26.12.2014 · @osamu0329 さんの CMake:configure_fileコマンド で詳しく解説されています。 string () コマンド string () コマンドは、各種文字列処理を行うためのコマンドです。 よく使いそうな機能を下記に示します。 文字列の探索と置換 REGEX MATCH・REGEX MATCHALL string(REGEX MATCH <regexp> <variable> <input1> [...]) string(REGEX MATCHALL <regexp> …
cmake:string_OceanStar的学习笔记的博客-CSDN博客_cmake string
01.07.2021 · CMake的基本数据类型是字符串(不区分大小写),一组字符串在一起称为列表(list)。条件判断中的取值情况如下表: 真 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, 非0的数 假 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, 空字符串,以“-NOTFOUND”结尾的字符串 变量显式定义 set(VAR a b c) ...
[CMake] string replacement without external commands help (ex ...
cmake.cmake.narkive.com › jCO5xK76 › string
STRING (REPLACE) and STRING (REGEX REPLACE) and write it using FILE (WRITE). If you really need to do this from a custom command you have to put these. commands in an extra cmake script and call this one using $ {CMAKE_COMMAND} -P. <your cmake script>, probably you need to add something like -DFILENAME=<your.
string — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
string (MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER <string> <output_variable>) Convert each non-alphanumeric character in the input <string> to an underscore and store the result in the <output_variable>. If the first character of the <string> is a digit, an underscore will also be prepended to the result.
CMake add_custom_command: How to write a "quoted string" to a ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 68971151
Aug 29, 2021 · The following works on both Windows (Ninja) and WSL (unix makefiles): set (my_output what_it_is.txt) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT $ {my_output} COMMAND $ {CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo \"quoted string\" > $ {my_output} VERBATIM ) And the output: $ cat some_bin/what_it_is.txt "quoted string". In my limited experience, VERBATIM is usually the key if you ...
Help/command/string.rst - platform/external/cmake - android ...
https://android.googlesource.com › ...
The ``string(FIND)`` subcommand treats all strings as ASCII-only characters. ... two backslashes (``\\1``) are required in CMake code to get a backslash.
http://man.hubwiz.com › command
If the REVERSE flag was used, the command will search for the position of the last ... Note that two backslashes ( \\1 ) are required in CMake code to get a ...
[CMake] Checking for empty string
[CMake] Checking for empty string Daniel Dekkers 2011-10-25 09:08:49 UTC. Permalink. hi there, ... (It is this way for backwards compatibility with IF commands that were written before we even had ${test} variable expansion in the CMake language. Years ago at this point ...
CMake/CMakeLists.txt at master · Kitware/CMake · GitHub
https://github.com › StringFileTest
message(SEND_ERROR "Problem with the STRIP command for ${var}: [${${var}}]"). endif(). endforeach(). string(SUBSTRING "People should use Autoconf" 7 10 ...
string — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
Write a string representation of the current date and/or time to the <output_variable>. If the command is unable to obtain a timestamp, the <output_variable> will be set to the empty string "". The optional UTC flag requests the current date/time representation to be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) rather than local time.
cmake:string(REGEX REPLACE ...) - 知乎
02.03.2004 · cmake 中使用 string (TIMESTAMP <output_variable> [<format_string>] [UTC]) 获取系统时间。 比如: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20) project(cmake-string) #获取年月日时分秒 string(TIMESTAMP COMPILE_TIME %Y%m%d%H%M%S) #获取年份后两位,使用 %Y 获取完整年份 string(TIMESTAMP TIME_YEAR %y) #获取月份 string(TIMESTAMP TIME_MONTH …
How do you concatenate string in cmake - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 18001198
Aug 01, 2013 · Three typical CMake string concatenation methods. While the answer to this particular question will be best handled via set or string, there is a third possibility which is list if you want to join strings with an arbitrary character.
cmake Tutorial => Strings and Lists
https://riptutorial.com › example
Non-list variables are actually lists too (of a single element). Lists can be operated on with the list() command, which allows concatenating lists, searching ...
https://stackoverflow.com › cmake...
The command expects a regular expression, but you're passing a sed argument in. If you really want to replace all line-end characters with ...
cmake command line -D and using DEFINED - CMake Discourse
30.11.2020 · I would like to be able to just define a cmake variable without giving it a value, similar to how the C preprocessor can define variables and check if the variable is defined. It seems that I have to use -D variable_name= instead of just -D variable_name ? It also seems that If I only check if the variable is defined, cmake-3.17.2 posts a warning that the variable was not used while …
CMAKE string comparison fails - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 36087987
Mar 18, 2016 · CMake: Convert relative path to absolute path or the cmake command line arguments Hot Network Questions In Excel, how do I access cells using fully-qualified numeric coordinates (worksheet, column, row)?
CMake add_custom_command: How to write a "quoted string ...
28.08.2021 · set (my_output what_it_is.txt) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT $ {my_output} COMMAND $ {CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo \"quoted string\" > $ {my_output} VERBATIM ) And the output: $ cat some_bin/what_it_is.txt "quoted string" In my limited experience, VERBATIM is usually the key if you're fighting escaping things in custom commands.
[CMake] string replacement without external commands help ...
string replacement operation be used as a "command" for add_custom_command () ? You can read a file using FILE (READ) and then replace stuff using STRING (REPLACE) and STRING (REGEX REPLACE) and write it using FILE (WRITE). If you really need to do this from a custom command you have to put these