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cmake string matches

string — CMake 3.23.0-rc4 Documentation
https://cmake.org › latest › command
Matches the single character specified by <char> . Use this to match special regex characters, e.g. \. for a literal . or \\ for ...
cmake:string_OceanStar的学习笔记的博客-CSDN博客_cmake string
01.07.2021 · CMake的基本数据类型是字符串(不区分大小写),一组字符串在一起称为列表(list)。条件判断中的取值情况如下表: 真 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, 非0的数 假 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, 空字符串,以“-NOTFOUND”结尾的字符串 变量显式定义 set(VAR a b c) ...
Bug report: same regex and input string, different results in ...
https://gitlab.kitware.com › issues
Observed behavior: Using CMake 3.13.1, with the SAME INPUT STRING, and SAME REGEX SPECIFICATION STRING (match-regex), string(REGEX MATCH .
[CMake] if(string MATCHES regex) question
cmake.cmake.narkive.com › V4bPGWFG › if-string
$ cmake -P matches.cmake MATCHES -- MYVAR = A good var Look that one = double-dollar = blah / single-dollar = MYVAR2 NO MATCHES ** MYVAR = MYVAR2 $ However I have no such usage currently :-) If I understand your script correctly, then the trick of this construct is to check whether the variable MYVAR is defined in terms of one (or more) other
string — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
Match the <regular_expression> as many times as possible and substitute the <replacement_expression> for the match in the output. All <input> arguments are concatenated before matching.. The <replacement_expression> may refer to parenthesis-delimited subexpressions of the match using \1, \2, ..., \9.Note that two backslashes (\\1) are required in …
[CMake] if(string MATCHES regex) question
cmake.org › pipermail › cmake
Jul 01, 2009 · 2009/7/1 Marcel Loose <loose at astron.nl>: > Hi all, > > In a number of standard CMake modules I encountered the following line: > > IF("${VARIABLE}" MATCHES "^${VARIABLE}$") > > Can anyone explain the rationale of this conditional to me.
CMakeLists.txt\StringFileTest\Tests - users/asn/cmake.git
https://git.cryptomilk.org › asn › tree
... String test STRING(REGEX MATCH "[cC][mM][aA][kK][eE]" rmvar "CMake is great") ... rmallvar "CMake is better than cmake or CMake") STRING(REGEX REPLACE ...
CMake/CMakeLists.txt at master · Kitware/CMake · GitHub
https://github.com › StringFileTest
test reading a file and getting its binary data as hex string ... string(REGEX MATCH "[cC][mM][aA][kK][eE]" rmvar "CMake is great").
'Re: [CMake] Regex help: multi-line matching and ... - MARC.info
https://marc.info › l=cmake
(Just as you only need one to put the real "\n" character into the string in the first place. This code shows that "Matches2" contains your expected ...
cmake string token inclusion check - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › cmake...
This is what I could find in the documentation: if( MATCHES regex) True if the given string or variable's value matches the given regular ...
CMake string(REPLACE的简单理解 - 知乎专栏
string( REPLACE <match-string> <replace-string> <out-var> <input>...)string - CMake 3.18.0-rc4 Documentation直接上代码,结合例子体会: cmake_minimum ...
if — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
True if the given string or variable's value matches the given regular expression. See Regex Specification for regex format. New in version 3.9: () groups are captured in …
【CMake 语法】(8) CMake 字符串操作_m0_57845572的博客-CSDN博客_cmake …
06.07.2021 · CMake是一个跨平台的安装(编译)工具,可以用简单的语句来描述所有平台的安装(编译过程)。网络上cmake的教程很多,但是我发现我很难找到一个完整、详细的中文版教程。因此我将收集自网络的信息汇总,整理出了这样一个文档。希望能够对大家有帮助。
07-cmake语法-MATCHES - 路边的十元钱硬币 - 博客园
07-cmake语法-MATCHES - 路边的十元钱硬币 - 博客园. 博客园. 首页. 新随笔. 联系. 管理. 订阅. 随笔- 235 文章- 0 评论- 2 阅读- 17万.
CMake - string - 文字列操作。 Synopsis 検索と置換 プレーンスト …
Synopsis 検索と置換 プレーンストリングスでの検索と置換 指定された <string> で指定された <substring> が見つかった位置を返します。場合 REVERSE フラグを使用した、コマンドは、指定の最後に出現する位置を検索します <substring> 。 <substring
[CMake] FIND sub-command to the STRING command
https://cmake.cmake.narkive.com › ...
Hello, recently I was searching for a CMake option to get the position of a single character (first appearance) out of a string.
if — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
True if the given string or variable's value matches the given regular expression. See Regex Specification for regex format. New in version 3.9: () groups are captured in CMAKE_MATCH_<n> variables.
CMake - string - 文字列操作。 Synopsis 検索と置換 プレーンストリングスでの検索と置換 指定され...
runebook.dev › ja › docs
入力 <string> の各バイトを16進表現に変換し、連結された16進数を <output_variable> に格納します。出力の文字( a から f )は小文字です。 string (CONFIGURE <string> <output_variable> [@ONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES]) トランスフォーム <string> のように configure_file() ファイルを変換します。
http://man.hubwiz.com › command
Regular Expressions string(REGEX MATCH <match-regex> <out-var> <input>. ... Note that two backslashes ( \\1 ) are required in CMake code to get a backslash ...
CMake compare to empty string with STREQUAL failed - Stack ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 19982340
You ran into a rather annoying "it's not a bug, it's a feature" behavior of CMake. As explained in the documentation of the if command:. The if command was written very early in CMake's history, predating the ${} variable evaluation syntax, and for convenience evaluates variables named by its arguments as shown in the above signatures.
CMake compare to empty string with STREQUAL failed - Stack ...
You ran into a rather annoying "it's not a bug, it's a feature" behavior of CMake. As explained in the documentation of the if command:. The if command was written very early in CMake's history, predating the ${} variable evaluation syntax, and for convenience evaluates variables named by its arguments as shown in the above signatures.
実践C++応用講座CMake編 第14回 stringコマンドと正規表現 | …
03.11.2019 · CMakeをスクリプト・エンジンとして使う場合、stringコマンドは中心的な役割を担います。std::stringが持つのと同様な基本的機能に加えて、正規表現での検索や置換などstringコマンドは意外に強力です。それらのよく使う機能について解説します。
[CMake] if(string MATCHES regex) question
Hi all, In a number of standard CMake modules I encountered the following line: IF("${VARIABLE}" MATCHES "^${VARIABLE}$") Can anyone explain the rationale of this conditional to me.
string — CMake 3.23.0-rc3 Documentation
cmake.org › cmake › help
Matches a pattern on either side of the | () Saves a matched subexpression, which can be referenced in the REGEX REPLACE operation. New in version 3.9: All regular expression-related commands, including e.g. if (MATCHES), save subgroup matches in the variables CMAKE_MATCH_<n> for <n> 0..9.