coco | TensorFlow Datasets · coco. COCO is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. Note: * Some images from the train and validation sets don't have annotations. * Coco 2014 and 2017 uses the same images, but different train/val/test splits * The test split don't have any annotations (only images). * Coco defines 91 classes but the data only ...
COCO dataset
https://cocodataset.orgCOCO is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. COCO has several features: Object segmentation; Recognition in context ...
What is the COCO Dataset? What you need to know in …
Object Detection of pre-trained COCO dataset classes using the real-time deep learning algorithm YOLO. List of the COCO Keypoints. The COCO keypoints include 17 different pre-trained keypoints (classes) that are annotated with …