Convertisseur Text / ASCII - CodeurJava › 2015 › 07American Standard Code for Information Interchange abrégé en ASCII est un schéma de codage des caractères. Il encode 128 caractères spécifiques en 7 bits dont il définie 95 caractères alphabétiques et spéciaux incluant l'espace qui est graphiquement invisible, et 33 caractères de contrôle.
ASCII Art Archive
https://www.asciiart.euHere you will find a large collection of ASCII drawings and other related ASCII art images. Our collection of ASCII art is sorted into 539 categories based on different themes to help you find beautiful and inspiring typewrite art based on ASCII characters.
Table de consultation ASCII - Coding.Tools › fr › ascii-tableTable de consultation ASCII complète (256 bits), y compris les caractères de contrôle ASCII, les symboles ASCII et les caractères étendus ASCII. Norme de codage ASCII: ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange ) est un caractère codage standard ASCII standard le plus largement utilisé a une longueur de 7 bits, un total de ...
PIXASCII – NFT Collectibles
www.pixascii.comPixASCII project was born in September 2021 from the creator Mattia. Determined to create unique PixelArt characters, he developed a little animated pixel owly. He then decided to include ASCII codes to imprint specific traits and unique shapes to the little owlys. With Daniele and Paolo joining the team, the project headed to tribute the most iconic characters of the world, mantaining some of the distinctive features of the owly.