Index of dispersion - Wikipedia probability theory and statistics, the index of dispersion, dispersion index, coefficient of dispersion, relative variance, or variance-to-mean ratio (VMR), like the coefficient of variation, is a normalized measure of the dispersion of a probability distribution: it is a measure used to quantify whether a set of observed occurrences are clustered or dispersed compared to a standard statistical model.
Interpretation Of Coefficient Of Dispersion In Real Estate › real-estate-glossaryThe coefficient of dispersion is how municipalities can determine differences between the assessed values of properties in an area or neighborhood. It gives a broader look at the state of the market, and a way to evaluate how consistent the appraisal of the properties is. The definition of the coefficient of dispersion that is used exclusively in dealing with market values and properties is a measure of how much values of a particular variable vary around the mean or median.
Quartile coefficient of dispersion - Wikipedia statistics, the quartile coefficient of dispersion is a descriptive statistic which measures dispersion and which is used to make comparisons within and between data sets. Since it is based on quantile information, it is less sensitive to outliers than measures such as the Coefficient of variation. As such, it is one of several Robust measures of scale. The statistic is easily computed using the first (Q1) and third (Q3) quartilesfor each data set. Th…
Coefficient of Dispersion - NIST › div898 › softwareJan 24, 2017 · LET COD = COEFFICIENT OF DISPERSION Y1 LET COD = COEFFICIENT OF DISPERSION Y1 SUBSET TAG > 2 . LET DIFFCOD = DIFFERENCE OF COEFFICIENT OF DISPERSION Y1 Y2. Note: Note that there are various other definitions for the coefficient of dispersion. It is sometimes defined as COD = VARIANCE/MEAN To compute this statistic in Dataplot, use the command