Hjem | Coca-Cola Norge
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Coca-Cola Light – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola_LightCoca-Cola Light er The Coca-Cola Companys første sukkerfrie cola. I likhet med de fleste moderne Cola-produkter, bruker Coca-Cola Light nå aspartam som søtningsmiddel i denne brusen, etter en periode der det ble brukt sukralose. I England og Nord-Amerika går Coca-Cola Light under navnet Diet Coke. I konkurranse med blant annet Pepsi Max har Coca-Cola også lavkaloriproduktet Coca-Cola Zero.
Diet Coke - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diet_CokeDiet Coke, Coca-Cola Light, or Coca-Cola Light Taste, is a sugar-free and no-calorie soft drink produced and distributed by the Coca-Cola Company. It contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Unveiled on July 8, 1982, and introduced in the United States on August 9, it was the first new brand since 1886 to use the Coca-Colatrademark. The product quickly overtook the company's existin…
Diet Coke - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Diet_CokeDiet Coke, Coca-Cola Light, or Coca-Cola Light Taste, is a sugar-free and no-calorie soft drink produced and distributed by the Coca-Cola Company. It contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Unveiled on July 8, 1982, and introduced in the United States on August 9, it was the first new brand since 1886 to use the Coca-Cola trademark.