Hi, I tried installing fenics on Colab using the following code: !apt-get ... a missing package, you can manually install dependencies using either !pip or ...
How can I solve this? Answer. Since you are using python 3.6.1, you may need to specify the type of python you want to install simpy for. Try running pip3 install simpy to install the simpy module to your python3 library.
06.09.2019 · The editable install (or setuptools development-mode) appends the module path to an easy-install.pth file. The site module processes these files when python is started and appends the paths to sys.path.That's why it works only after restarting the runtime. One can avoid restarting the colab notebook by importing the site module and (re)running site.main().
The issue could be that the version of python you used to install the module does not match the version python you are trying to import from. Find out whether the module in the python version you wanted you can try using the command: pip3 freeze to get the list of packages installed for version of python(In your case, it is python3.5). Before that, check different versions of python …
20.09.2015 · So if you type /usr/local/bin/python, you will be able to import the library. The second - often preferred - option is to specifically invoke the right version of pip. To do so, you can use python -m pip install <library-name> instead of pip install <library-name>. This will call the pip version that belongs to your default python interpreter.
I was trying to clone and install on a Google Colab instance following the instructions provided here. But I am unable to import the any of the modules. First I cloned the repository and changed to that directory. !git clone https://gith...
14.07.2018 · A better, more modern, answer to this question is to use the %pip magic, like: %pip install scipy That will automatically use the correct Python version. Using !pip might be tied to a different version of Python, and then you might not find the package after installing it.. And in colab, the magic gives a nice message and button if it detects that you need to restart the …