Combining Two String Fields | Tableau Software › articles › howtoMay 01, 2013 · Tableau Desktop Answer Use the plus sign (+) operator to combine two string fields: Go to Analysis > Create Calculated Field. Name the calculated field and enter the following formula: [String1] + [String2] Click OK. Additional Information. Using a plus sign (+) combines two string fields together ("abc"+ "def" = "abcdef").
Blend Your Data - Tableau › en-us › multiple_connectionsIn order for Tableau to know how to combine the data from multiple sources, there must be a common dimension or dimensions between the data sources. This common dimension is called the linking field. Active linking fields are identified in the Data pane for the secondary data source with an active link icon ( ) and potential linking fields are ...
Aggregate, Join, or Union Data - Tableau › current › prepTo group or aggregate fields, drag them from the left pane to one of the columns in the right pane. You can also: Drag and drop fields between the two panes. Search for fields in the list and select only the fields you want to include in your aggregation. Double-click a field to add it to the left or right pane.