30.06.2014 · June 30, 2014 -. Relative pronouns are words used to combine two clauses into one. Besides combining the two clauses, the relative pronoun acts as the subject or object of the verb in the relative clause. An example is given below. The boy solved the puzzle. He was praised by the teacher. We can combine these two clauses using a relative pronoun.
10.03.2017 · Combine using relative pronouns | Class 8 grammar worksheets. Combine the following sentences using an appropriate relative pronoun. Learn more about relative pronouns and relative clauses here. 1. I know a man. He can speak ten languages. 2. This is the estate. I received it from my father.
24.03.2014 · Joining two sentences using a relative pronoun. March 24, 2014 -. Relative pronouns are words like who, which and that. A relative pronoun serves two purposes. It acts as the subject or the object of the verb in its clause. It also serves as a …
Relative Pronouns introduce relative clauses. ... Relative Pronouns used in Defining Relative Clauses ... Join the following sentences using relatives.
03.10.2019 · Relative pronouns are similar to conjunctions. We can use them to connect clauses. Note that a relative pronoun not only connects two clauses, but also acts as the subject or object of the verb in the relative clause.
B1 Relative Clauses RC002 Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun. 1. We talked about the party. Sarah wants to organize it for my birthday. _____ . 2. Mrs Flowers has paintings in her house. They are worth over $10,000.