Python command not found - W3schools › python-command-not-foundIf python’s path is not there then select the path option and click on edit button, a new screen will open and then click on new button. Now go to c-drive>users> (your present pc name)>appData>Local>Programs>Python>Python37-32>Scripts and copy the address as highlighted below. Paste the copied address into the path option and save & apply.
Command 'python' not found - Stack Overflow › command-python-not-foundDec 06, 2020 · Go to your root directory in your terminal, and open the file called ".bashrc" with your favorite editor. To open in VSCode for example, just enter code .bashrc. At the end of the file, add a line that says alias python="python3". Assuming the pyhton3 command worked, you will now be able to enter python just like you could python3!