Mathematica solving complex equation - Stack Overflow › questions › 23894061May 27, 2014 · If I have a complex equation in the form of. Solve [z^2 + 9 - 1.5 E^ [-tz]==0, z] where z = x + I y where x , y and t are all assumed to be real. How do I tell Mathematica 9 to separate the real and imaginary parts to make two equations in the form of. Re [z]==0, Im [z]==0. I try this. myConjugate [eqn_Equal] := myConjugate /@ eqn myConjugate [expr_] := expr /.
Complex Error Function in Mathematica - Stack Overflow · Because the real part is effectively zero far enough out (and the voigt profile is defined as the real part of w(z)) it would suffice for me to just set the whole thing to 0 far enough out (say before mathematica switches to arbitrary precision - but I'm not very well versed with the mechanism) since in the end I'm doing a numerical fit, and 10^-53 is well below the machine …
MATHEMATICA TUTORIAL: Complex numbers › intro › complex0Oct 11, 2021 · Complex numbers can be identified with three sets: points on the plane, denoted by ℝ², set of all (free) vectors on the plane, and the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers z = (x,y), where the first coordinate is denoted as ℜz = x (or Rez) and called for historical reasons real part of complex number z, and the second coordinate is denoted as ℑz = y (or Imz) and called the imaginary part of complex number z.