Complex Noun Phrases 1 - IELTSTutors
Effectively using complex noun phrases makes your writing more academic and precise. Articles written by native speakers generally contain a lot of complex noun phrases and so studying these phrases will help you with reading …
Complex Noun Phrases - Syntax complex noun phrase often contains the obligatory HEAD (a word that could stand alone as a simple noun phrase) as well as a:. determiner (det) pre-modification (pre-mod) Premodifiers occur before the head. Premodifiers are often adjectives; however, other nouns can also modify the head, and when this occurs, the premodifying noun may be accompanied by a premodifying …
Complex noun phrases - › 2021 › 02As a result, noun phrases are often structurally complex, especially in written discourse. For example, the following sentence is from a newspaper article about cellular radios. Its main clause structure is very simple: a main verb (is) with two noun phrase slots (marked by [])-subject (problem) and subject predicative (competition).