Compound Adjectives - English Grammar · Compound adjectives. A compound adjective is an adjective that contains two or more words. In general we put a hyphen between two or more words (before a noun) when we want them to act as a single idea (adjective) that describes something. I live in an English-speaking country. English-speaking is an adjective (used to describe the country).
Adjective Generator - Randomly Generate Hundreds of Adjectives › adjective-generatorThis random adjective generator allows you to continuously generate adjectives until you find the one adjective that fits perfectly into your sentence. It has hundreds of adjectives it can randomly generate so you will be able to use all kinds of different adjectives in your writing. The only downside to this generator is that it does not have examples of what you should describe using the adjective - I will create this feature in the future sometime.
What is a Compound Adjective? | The Word Counter › what-is-a-compound-adjectiveNov 13, 2021 · What is a compound adjective? According to 7ESL, a compound adjective is an adjective that is made of two or more words and often formed using a hyphen. These can be formed with an adjective and past participle, adverb and past participle, noun and past participle, noun and present participle, adjective and present participle, adverb and present participle, noun and adjective, adjective and subsequent noun, noun and noun, or adjective and adjective.
Best Compound Sentence Checker › grammarsentenceBest Compound Sentence Checker. The compound sentence checker will identify whether your paper is correct in using adjective clause or noun clause. It will identify if your paper needs an independent noun, adverb or adjective clause for it to be perfect. It will be the one to do the corrections and what you just need to do is to wait.