31.03.2021 · Compound Predicate Examples. Below is a list of examples that use compound predicates and a breakdown of how and why they are used. Also included is an explanation of the ways to use commas or ...
A predicate nominative can be made up of more than one noun. In other words, it can be a compound. For example: ... (An opportunity and a risk is a compound ...
03.12.2021 · What are predicate nominative examples? A predicate nominative can be used in many different contexts in the English language. Trying to use a word or literary technique in a sentence is one of the best ways to memorize what it is, but you can also try making flashcards or quizzes that test your knowledge .
Its purpose is to connect the person, animal, or thing (the subject) to its new name, the predicate noun. Examples are circled in the sentences below. If we ...
Compound Predicate Nominative Example: Sally’s parents are Stephen and Stephanie. Here, “Stephen and Stephanie” are more than one noun. They are the predicate nominative of “Sally’s parents.” The reward might be cookies, ice cream, and cake. Here, “cookies, ice cream, and cake” are more than one noun. They are the predicate nominative of “reward.” Noun Phrases / Clauses as Predicate Nominatives
Dec 03, 2021 · Below are a couple of examples of predicate nominatives from Your Dictionary, Grammar Monster and Grammar Island that can help get you started incorporating this tool into your everyday use. Try to use the term predicate nominative today or notice when someone else is using a predicate nominative. He is a real help to his mother.
Examples-. When a predicate nominative includes more than one noun, it's called a "compound predicate nominative." Check out the examples below; the compound predicate nominatives
01.05.2017 · A predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun in a sentence that renames the subject following a linking verb. A compound predicate nominative is when two or more nouns or pronouns follow a linking verb. A linking verb acts as an equal sign, the subject is or becomes the object. Examples: The trip will be a risk and a big expense . trip = risk and expense The …
Mar 31, 2021 · An example of a compound predicate is: ''The cat jumped up and looked out the window.'' Cat is the subject and jumped up and looked is the compound verb.
Compound Predicate Nominative. A predicate nominative can be more than one noun, which is then known as a compound predicate nominative. Compound Predicate Nominative Example: Sally’s parents are Stephen and Stephanie. Here, “Stephen and Stephanie” are more than one noun. They are the predicate nominative of “Sally’s parents.”
May 01, 2017 · A compound predicate nominative is when two or more nouns or pronouns follow a linking verb. A linking verb acts as an equal sign, the subject is or becomes the object. Examples: The trip will be a risk and a big expense . trip = risk and expense The specialties on the menu today are chocolate fondue and crêpes suzette."