Statcrunch Correlation Coefficient | Readable video is about how to get data from MyMathLab into StatCrunch and to calculate a correlation coefficient for a linear regression and to come up with a line of best fit. So as we can see in this example first thing they ask to create a scatter diagram but we're interested in calculating the correlation coefficient You'll notice its says: "click here to view the table".
Statcrunch Correlation Coefficient | Readable › 72609zlzWhen StatCrunch opens all of our data and information is right there in StatCrunch including the labels for each of our columns and we want to calculate the correlation coefficient so we need to calculate some statistics on this data so we're going to choose the STAT button and we're going to go to regression and simple linear.
Linear Correlation Coefficient Calculator › statistics › linearLinear Correlation Coefficient Formula : Correlation(r) = N∑XY - (∑X)(∑Y) / Sqrt([N∑X 2 - (∑X) 2 ][N∑Y 2 - (∑Y) 2 ]) Where, N = Number of values or elements X = First Score Y = Second Score ∑XY = Sum of the product of first and Second Scores ∑X = Sum of First Scores ∑Y = Sum of Second Scores ∑X 2 = Sum of square First Scores ∑Y 2 = Sum of square Second Scores