Segregated - COMSOL Multiphysics › comsol_ref_solverThe Segregated node () is an attribute that handles parameters for a segregated solution approach. This attribute makes it possible to split the solution process into substeps. Each substep uses a damped version of Newton’s method. The attribute can be used together with the Stationary Solver and Time-Dependent Solver nodes.
The Segregated Solver - COMSOL Multiphysics › comsol_ref_solverk,p is the segregated solution vector for the group j, and. where Si is a scale factor that the solver determines from the settings in the Scaling section of the Settings window for the Dependent Variables node, where the following choices are available in the Method list: •. For Automatic, Si is the factor 0.1 times the average of |Um| for ...
Segregated Solver - COMSOL › forum › threadMar 22, 2013 · the idea of segregated solvers is to solve each governing equation separately. In Comsol (as is written in the Reference Manual) each substep uses a damped version of Newton’s method.So, Comsol iterates among the segregated steps (eventually even inside..) before giving you the solution of the whole system.