Agricultural extension Manual FOR EXTENSION WORKERS › 3 › ca5007enChapter 1: Basic concepts of agricultural extension 1. 1. Why extension is important? Extension is essentially the means by which new knowledge and ideas are introduced into rural areas in order to bring about change and improve the lives of farmers and their families. Extension, therefore, is of critical importance.
Agricultural extension - Wikipedia › wiki › Agricultural_extensionAgricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education.The field of 'extension' now encompasses a wider range of communication and learning activities organized for rural people by educators from different disciplines, including agriculture, agricultural marketing, health, and business studies.
Agricultural Extension| Syngenta › agricultural-extensionAgricultural extension is another name for agricultural advisory services. In practical terms, extension means giving farmers – for us, smallholders in developing countries – knowledge of agronomic techniques and skills to improve their productivity, food security and livelihoods. This has two important components: dissemination of ...
Basic concepts of agricultural extension in developing ... › science › articleMay 01, 1982 · Agricultural Administration (0 (1982) 35-43 BASIC CONCEPTS OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES PETER VON BLANCKENBURG Institut f Sozialoekonomie der Agrarentwicklung der Technischen Universit Berlin, Podbielskiallee 64, D-1000, Berlin 33, West Germany (Received: 24 March, 1981) SUMMARY After a short review of the conditions under which extension work takes place in developing ...
Agricultural extension - Wikipedia particular extension system can be described in terms of both how communication takes place and why it takes place. It is not the case that paternalistic systems are always persuasive, nor is it the case that participatory projects are necessarily educational. Instead there are four possible combinations, each of which represents a different extension paradigm, as foll…