Conformal Smart LEC - › conformal-smartlec-dsverification strat-egies. With a single command, Conformal Smart LEC analyzes the characteristics of both the golden and revised designs, such as datapath type and logic complexity. Based on the results of the analysis, the command automatically executes the most appropriate strategy to complete the comparison (Figure 2).
CADENCE CONFORMAL LEC USER GUIDE PDF › cadence-conformal-lec-user-guide-73Oct 24, 2020 · Cadence Conformal. When I type the “lec” command to invoke the tool, the shell responds like “command not found”. Resuming Running a Dofile. I got the similar problem with installing cxdence Europractice software on RedHat 6. Automatic propagation to all lower-level modules. Phase map method is off by default for optimal runtime.
Conformal Smart LEC - Smart LEC has an extensive portfolio of formal solvers that can handle all conceivable design synthesis and imple-mentations. Adaptive proof technology orches - trates the solvers so users do not have to iterate over their verification strat-egies. With a single command, Conformal Smart LEC analyzes the characteristics of both the golden