Create sparse matrix - MATLAB sparse - MathWorks sparse matrix - MATLAB sparse Documentation Examples Functions Videos Answers Trial Software Product Updates sparse Create sparse matrix collapse all in page Syntax S = sparse (A) S = sparse (m,n) S = sparse (i,j,v) S = sparse (i,j,v,m,n) S = sparse (i,j,v,m,n,nz) Description example
Create sparse matrix - MATLAB sparse - MathWorks › help › matlabIn sparse form, the same matrix uses roughly 0.25-megabytes of memory. In this case, you can avoid full storage completely by using the speye function, which creates sparse identity matrices directly. Sparse Matrix of All Zeros S = sparse (10000,5000) S = All zero sparse: 10000x5000 Sparse Matrix of Nonzeros with Specified Size
Constructing Sparse Matrices - MATLAB & Simulink › help › matlabCreating Sparse Matrices from Their Diagonal Elements Creating sparse matrices based on their diagonal elements is a common operation, so the function spdiags handles this task. Its syntax is S = spdiags (B,d,m,n) To create an output matrix S of size m -by- n with elements on p diagonals: B is a matrix of size min (m,n) -by- p.