Chapter 5: Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability › 2/5/8 › 7Chapter 5 Overview: Limits, Continuity and Differentiability Derivatives and Integrals are the core practical aspects of Calculus. They were the first things investigated by Archimedes and developed by Liebnitz and Newton. The process involved examining smaller and smaller pieces to get a sense of a progression toward a goal.
CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY › pdf › publicationCONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY 91 Geometrically Rolle’s theorem ensures that there is at least one point on the curve y = f (x) at which tangent is parallel to x-axis (abscissa of the point lying in (a, b)). 5.1.16 Mean Value Theorem (Lagrange) Let f : [a, b] →R be a continuous function on [a,b] and differentiable on (a, b). Then