Convert list of arrays to tensor. Array ( [ [1,2,3], [3,4,5], [5,6,7 ... › conver...How to convert List or Tuple into NumPy array? The array() function can accept lists, tuples and other numpy. Once the tensor is in PyTorch, you may want to ...
How to Convert a Tuple to a PyTorch Tensor in Python › 2021 › 11Nov 01, 2021 · A PyTorch tensor is like a numpy array but the computations on tensors can utilize the GPUs whereas the numpy array can't. To convert a tuple to a PyTorch Tensor, we use torch.tensor (tuple) . It takes a tuple as input and returns a PyTorch tensor. Python 3 example 1. import torch tpl = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) # a tuple with 5 values
torch.as_tensor — PyTorch 1.11.0 documentation › generated › torchtorch.as_tensor¶ torch. as_tensor (data, dtype = None, device = None) → Tensor ¶ Converts data into a tensor, sharing data and preserving autograd history if possible. If data is already a tensor with the requeseted dtype and device then data itself is returned, but if data is a tensor with a different dtype or device then it’s copied as if using, device=device).