And then there’s obviously the medical technology used in hospitals for the treatment of Covid-19 victims. Equipment such as diagnostic computers, monitors, respirators and such are essential for effective health testing and treatment. During a health crisis like the outbreak of Covid-19, some people do courageous things.
Coronavirus is a chronic viral family that starts from a normal cold and cough to severe respiratory disease that can have fatal effect on its patients. This ...
In part 2 of your IELTS Speaking test, you will need to deliver a long turn, speaking for up to 2 minutes on a topic. Let's look at some tips and strategies ...
16.12.2021 · Due to the COVID – 19 scenario, RMIT will accept IELTS indicator scores for semester 2, 2020 and semester 1, 2021. USA: University of Texas at Dallas: Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, UT Dallas will accept Duolingo English Test examination results as an alternative to IELTS. The tests should have been taken between February 1 and December ...
2) Reflect on life in lockdown and use the Top Tips for Speaking Part 4 to help you with this practice task. Speaking Part 4 Exam Task. • How important is it ...
In conclusion, coronavirus is primarily a virus which spreads from humans to animals. Mostly, it is the consumption of meat of infected animal which causes it.
18.06.2021 · IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Topic Coronavirus. Tôi sẽ nói về một bài báo chủ đề sức khỏe mà tôi đã đọc gần đây. Bài báo nói về sự bùng phát chủng coronavirus mới (2019-nCoV) và các biện pháp bảo vệ cơ bản chống lại nó. Phần đầu của bài báo mô tả chung về dịch bệnh ...