Correlation - Wikipedia most familiar measure of dependence between two quantities is the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient(PPMCC), or "Pearson's correlation coefficient", commonly called simply "the correlation coefficient". Mathematically, it is defined as the quality of least squares fitting to the original data. It is obtained by taking the ratio of the covariance of the two variables in question of our num…
Correlation of two random variables › ~bridgeman › ClassesCorrelation between two random variables is a number between 1 and +1. 0 Correlation means that there is NO predictive connection between them. * the outcome of one variable tells you nothing about the outcome of the other variable. + Correlation means that the outcomes tend to move in the same direction. * outcome of one variable higher than expected tells you that the outcome of the other variable will tend to be higher than expected.
Correlation in Random Variables › class › simg713Correlation Coefficient The covariance can be normalized to produce what is known as the correlation coefficient, ρ. ρ = cov(X,Y) var(X)var(Y) The correlation coefficient is bounded by −1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1. It will have value ρ = 0 when the covariance is zero and value ρ = ±1 when X and Y are perfectly correlated or anti-correlated. Lecture 11 4