5.2 - Correlation & Significance | STAT 100
https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat100/lesson/5/5.25.2 - Correlation & Significance This lesson expands on the statistical methods for examining the relationship between two different measurement variables. Remember that overall statistical methods are one of two types: descriptive methods (that describe attributes of a data set) and inferential methods (that try to draw conclusions about a population based on sample data).
Significance of a Correlation Coefficient
www.vassarstats.net › rsigThe logic and computational details of correlation are described in Chapter 3 of Concepts and Applications . If the true correlation between X and Y within the general population is rho =0, and if the size of the sample, N , on which an observed value of r is based is equal to or greater than 6, then the quantity
5.2 - Correlation & Significance | STAT 100
online.stat.psu.edu › stat100 › lesson5.2 - Correlation & Significance This lesson expands on the statistical methods for examining the relationship between two different measurement variables. Remember that overall statistical methods are one of two types: descriptive methods (that describe attributes of a data set) and inferential methods (that try to draw conclusions about a ...