Cortina d’Ampezzo – Wikipedia’AmpezzoCortina d'Ampezzo (italiensk) eller Anpezo (ladinsk) er en by og en kommune i provinsen Belluno i Veneto i Nord-Italia. Byen ligger i Dolomittene i en høyde på 1224 moh. og er et populært vintersportssted. Byen har 5929 innbyggere (2013). I 1927 ble ski-VM arrangert i Cortina d'Ampezzo og i 1932 verdensmesterskapet i alpint. Den var vertsby for vinter-OL 1956. Vinter-OL 1944var også planlagt arra…
Cortina d'Ampezzo - Wikipedia'AmpezzoCortina d'Ampezzo is a town and comune in the heart of the southern (Dolomitic) Alps in the Veneto region of Northern Italy. Situated on the Boite river, in an alpine valley, it is a summer and winter sport resort known for its skiing trails, scenery, accommodation, shops and après-ski scene, and for its jet set and Italian aristocratic crowd.
1956 Winter Olympics - Wikipedia › wiki › 1956_Winter_OlympicsCortina d'Ampezzo is a ski resort village situated in the Dolomite Alps in the north-eastern corner of Italy. In 1956, it had a population of 6,500 people. [5] Count Alberto Bonacossa , an accomplished alpine skier, figure skater and a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since 1925, spearheaded the effort to bring the Olympic ...
Cortina d'Ampezzo - Wikipedia › wiki › Cortina_d&Cortina d'Ampezzo will host the Winter Olympics for a second time when it co-hosts the 2026 Winter Olympics with Milan. The town is home to SG Cortina, a top league professional ice hockey team, and Cortina d'Ampezzo is also the start and end point of the annual Dolomites Gold Cup Race.