Uncountable Nouns List with Tips - IELTS Liz
ieltsliz.com › wp-content › uploadsUncountable Nouns: List and Practice What is an uncountable noun? Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted in numbers. For example, one house / two houses. When we use countable nouns, we use the article "a" and the plural "s" (a house, two houses). Uncountable nouns are nouns which can't be counted. For example, information. It is not ...
100+ Countable and Uncountable Nouns List for Kids
https://www.englishbix.com › coun...apple, oranges, carrot, cake, chocolate, ice-cream etc. ... hospital, school, temple, church etc. ... pen, pencil, bag, lamp, book, box, table etc. ... bulb, wreath, ...