CSIRO PUBLISHING | Crop and Pasture Science
https://www.publish.csiro.au/cpCrop and Pasture Science is a highly cited and prestigious journal publishing original research on advances in plant sciences, sustainable farming systems, and food quality. Read more about the journal More. Editors-in-Chief: Sergio Atienza and Zed Rengel. Publishing Model: Hybrid.Open Access options available.. Download our Journal Flyer (PDF, 1MB)
CSIRO PUBLISHING | Crop and Pasture Science
https://www.publish.csiro.au/CP/fulltext/CPv72n9_FO24.08.2021 · Crop & Pasture Science 72, 666–677. Rigg JL, Webster AT, Harvey DM, Orgill SE, Galea F, Dando AG, Collins DP, Harris CA, Newell MT, Badgery WB, Hayes RC (2021) Cross-host compatibility of commercial rhizobial strains for new and existing pasture legume cultivars in south-eastern Australia. Crop & Pasture Science 72, 652–665.
CSIRO PUBLISHING | Crop and Pasture Science
www.publish.csiro.au › cpCrop and Pasture Science is a highly cited and prestigious journal publishing original research on advances in plant sciences, sustainable farming systems, and food quality. Read more about the journal. More. Editors-in-Chief: Sergio Atienza and Zed Rengel. Publishing Model: Hybrid.
Crop & Pasture Science | Publons
publons.com › journal › 27003Crop & Pasture Science. Crop and Pasture Science (formerly known as Australian Journal of Agricultural Research) is an international journal publishing outcomes of strategic research in crop and pasture sciences and the sustainability of farming systems. The primary focus is broad-scale cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds and pastures.