https://d13mk4zmvuctmz.cloudfront.net/assets/pdf/ICAR AICE JRF S…01. CROP SCIENCES-I (1.1 Genetics & Plant Breeding, 1.2 Seed Science & Technology) 1.1 GENETICS & PLANT BREEDING Unit 1: General Genetics and Plant Breeding Mendelian inheritance. Cell structure and division, Linkage, its detection and estimation. Epistasis. Gene concept, allelism and fine structure of gene. Extra chromosomal inheritance.
Crop Science
crop-soil-environmental-sciences.uark.eduThe Crop Science Major Within the Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Department students can major in two-degree programs, Crop Science and Environmental, Soil and Water Science. The degree check sheet for the Crop Science major is given on page 6. The major provides the student with basic and applied courses that
zimsec.co.zw › uploads › 2019acquire necessary crop science knowledge and skills to increase food security. This syllabus is designed for Form 5 and 6 learners in Crop Science. It is a two-year learning phase, which covers concepts, principles and practices in crop science. The syllabus will provide learners with a rich experience in identifying, investi-