5.1 Definition of Cumulative Impacts
media.defense.gov › 2019 › FebFeb 01, 2019 · A cumulative impact is the impact on the environment that results from the incremental impact of the action when added to the other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (federal or non-federal) or person undertakes such other actions.
Cumulative effects (environment) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulative_Effects_(Environment)Cumulative effects, also referred to as cumulative environmental effects and cumulative impacts, can be defined as changes to the environmentcaused by the combined impact of past, present and future human activities and natural processes. Cumulative effects to the environment are the result of multiple activities whose individual direct impacts may be relatively minor but in combination with others result are significant environmental effects. The multiple impacts of dif…
www.nsf.gov › pubs › 20023. EXAMPLES OF POSSIBLE CUMULATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Repeated visits by ship-based tourists, coupled with other human activi-ties, could have cumulative effects on the landscape, flora, fauna, histori-cal artifacts, and science programs and support activities in the areas visited, and on nearby marine areas. As noted in the next section of this
www.nj.gov › 117-cumulative-impacts-080193cumulative impacts management quickly merges with comprehensive environmental management. THRESHOLDS OF CUMULATIVE IMPACT ASSESSMENT A key attribute characterizing cumulative impacts is the concept of the threshold, or the point at which further use or activity will cause degradation.