Cyber Crime Complaint Portal – आपकी सुरक्षा हमारी ज़िम्मेदारी
cybercrimecomplaintportal.inCyber Crime Complaint Portal team helps you to resolve your consumer related problems. After understanding your problem, we create a link between you and your disputed party. Our executive contact with disputed party and discuss on all legal prospectus. If disputed party wants to resolve the case mutually than it will be happy end, but if disputed party is not ready to attend your case than as per your compliance, we shoulder the responsibility of all paperwork for your complaint and we file ...
Cyber Crime Portal a Complaint on National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal This portal is an initiative of Government of India to facilitate victims/complainants to report cyber crime complaints online. This portal caters to complaints pertaining to cyber crimes only with special focus on cyber crimes against women and children.
Cyber Crime Portal portal is an initiative of Government of India to facilitate victims/complainants to reportcyber crime complaints online. This portal caters to complaints pertaining to cyber crimes only withspecial focus on cyber crimes against women and children. Complaints reported on this portal aredealt by law enforcement agencies/ police based on the information available in the complaints.
How to File a Cyber Crime Complaint in India | Steps to ... › how-to-file-a-cyber-crime-complaintMar 05, 2018 · The following section shall tell you how to file a cyber crime complaint in India in few simple steps. 1. The very first step to file a cyber crime complaint is to register a written complaint with the cyber crime cell of the city are currently in. According to the IT Act, a cyber crime comes under the purview of global jurisdiction. This means that a cyber crime complaint can be registered with any of the cyber cells in India, irrespective of the place where it was originally committed.