Forsidefigur er hentet fra den sosiale helsemodellen (Whitehead og Dahlgren, 1991) Sosial ulikhet i helse som tema i helsekonsekvensutredninger verktøy og erfaringer i noen europeiske land Forord Forskjeller i befolkningens oppvekstmiljø, levekår, skole, arbeid, kultur og miljø
These social health factors have been explored by researchers using several models, but the most widely used is the Dahlgren-Whitehead 'rainbow model'. The model, developed by Göran Dahlgren and Margaret Whitehead in 1991, maps the relationship between the …
The Dahlgren-Whitehead model of health determinants: 30 years on and still chasing rainbows This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Dahlgren and Whitehead model of the main determinants of health, sometimes known as 'The Rainbow Model'. In this article, we reflect on developments over those thirty years before going on to look to the future.
Svaret finner man heller ved å analysere faglige og politiske prioriteringer (Dahlgren & Whitehead, 2007). Med andre ord er sosiale helseforskjeller i stor grad ...
In 1991, Dahlgren and Whitehead produced a highly influential model of the determinants of health that has since been used by numerous national and international public health organizations globally. The purpose of the model is to enable interventions that improve health to be addressed at four key …
Helsen påvirkes av en rekke faktorer som vist i modellen til Dahlgren og Whitehead. Faktorene kan virke alene eller sammen og ha direkte eller indirekte påvirkning på helsen.
Dahlgren og Whiteheads sin sosiale modell for helse fra 1991 viser de faktorer som påvirker oss på individnivå ... The demand-control-support model and CVD.
Social Model of Health – Dahlgren & Whitehead. Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) talk of the layers of influence on health. They describe a social ecological ...
Social Model of Health – Dahlgren & Whitehead Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) talk of the layers of influence on health. They describe a social ecological theory to health. They attempt to map the relationship between the individual, their environment and disease. Individuals are at the centre with a set of fixed genes.
«Regnbuemodellen» til Dahlgren og Whitehead (se figur 7.12) er ofte brukt som utgangspunkt for å beskrive faktorer som skaper sosiale ulikheter i helse. Modellen illustrerer at ulikheter i sosiale og økonomiske faktorer påvirker risikoen for sykdom og tilgang til effektiv behandling.
These social health factors have been explored by researchers using several models, but the most widely used is the Dahlgren-Whitehead 'rainbow model'.
01.10.2021 · In 2015, the model was chosen by the United Kingdom’s Economic and Social Research Council as part of its 50th-anniversary celebrations as one of the 50 key achievements over the past 50 years of social science research that were ‘important work of research that have had a major impact on our lives’, with the citation ‘The Dahlgren-Whitehead rainbow model …