22.11.2021 · Godø, som er pinsevenn, opplevde det som vanskelig å være homofil, i tillegg til å være troende. Noen år etter den første Farmen-deltakelsen hans, valgte han å kaste fra seg troen. – Jeg hadde en...
04.12.2021 · On Wednesday, it became clear that it is Daniel Engeli Godø (30), Heidi Lereng (24) and Tonje Frigstad (21) who make up this autumn’s final program in «Farmen». On Sunday, the three will fight for two places in the grand final. Finally, one of them can stretch his arms in the air and take the […]
26.11.2021 · In Wednesday’s episode of Farmen, the stage was set for a barn party, and when Daniel Godø participates in Good Evening Norway’s studio, he and Tonje Frigstad can reveal that the party got a little wilder than what appeared on TV. – No, you must not talk about it! I got away so cheaply, says Godø when Frigstad takes up the topic.
22.11.2021 · In 2014, the pastor’s son from Ålesund, Daniel Godø (30), created one of the biggest TV moments in Farmen history. He appeared as a gay man on TV. When he visited Good Morning Norway on Monday, he tells about the moment, and how he has had it in the time since. See what Daniel Godø thinks about the TV moment in the video at the top of the ...
07.12.2021 · On the final day, Tonje Frigstad admitted to the eliminated participants that she had sabotaged several weekly assignments. The farm winner Daniel Godø also does not have pure flour in the bag. – I smuggled out a love letter during my stay, the 30-year-old admits. Daniel, Dineke Polderman and Nils Kvalvik were three former Farmen […]
16.12.2021 · But it was not just. se daniel styrk godø dempseys profil på linkedin. daniel engeli godø is chronically in love with a mysterious man. følte meg ensom daniel godø følte seg ferdig med gårsoppholdet etter han stakk av med seieren i. december 3 2021. in this season of farmen godø has made a comeback as he has clung to torpet life for.