21.12.2019 · Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection. This paper proposes an autoencoder (AE) that is used for improving the performance of once-class classifiers for the purpose of detecting anomalies. Traditional one-class classifiers (OCCs) perform poorly under certain conditions such as high-dimensionality and sparsity.
21.12.2019 · Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection @article{Babaei2019DataAB, title={Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection}, author={Kasra Babaei and Zhiyuan Chen and Tom{\'a}s Henrique Maul}, journal={ArXiv} ...
Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly · Kasra Babaei, Zhiyuan Chen, T. Maul · T. Maul; Published 21 December 2019 · Computer Science, ...
01.12.2019 · Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection. This paper proposes an autoencoder (AE) that is used for improving the performance of once-class classifiers for the purpose of detecting anomalies. Traditional one-class classifiers (OCCs) perform poorly under certain conditions such as high-dimensionality and sparsity.
21.12.2019 · Autoencoders have been widely used for obtaining useful latent variables from high-dimensional datasets. In the proposed approach, the AE is capable of deriving meaningful features from high-dimensional datasets while doing data augmentation at the same time. The augmented data is used for training the OCC algorithms.
The unsupervised anomaly detection [47, 43, 48, 32] is to learn a normal profile ... we propose to augment the deep autoencoder with a memory module and ...
Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Kasra Babaei, ZhiYuan Chen, Tomas Maul Abstract—This paper proposes an autoencoder (AE) that is used for improving the performance of once-class clas-sifiers for the purpose of detecting anomalies. Traditional one-class classifiers (OCCs) perform poorly under certain
Data Augmentation by AutoEncoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection. Kasra Babaei, ZhiYuan Chen, Tomas Maul Abstract. This paper proposes an autoencoder (AE) that is used for improving the performance of once-class classifiers for the purpose of detecting anomalies.
DOPING: Generative Data Augmentation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with GAN ... By using a GAN variant known as the adversarial autoencoder (AAE), ...