UiO Data Science is a community for researchers and users of data science. While most of the research activity takes place at the Faculty of Mathematics and ...
UiO Data Science. UiO Data Science er et samlingspunkt for forskere i og brukere av data science. Forskingsaktiviteten på feltet foregår hovedsaklig på Det matematisk-naturvitenskaplige fakultet, men også andre fakulteter, institutter, sentre og prosjekter er aktivt involverte. Hensikten med disse sidene er å samle informasjon om data ...
The Data Science Network at the University of Oslo consists of several departments, centres, research groups and individual researchers spread across multiple faculties. In addition, UiO has ties to outside Data Science networks.
Statistikk og Data Science (studieretning). Studieretningen passer for deg som ønsker å kombinere et solid grunnlag i matematiske fag med statistiske og ...
Data Science er vitenskapen om å trekke ut kunnskap eller innsikt fra ulike typer data. Studiet av Data Science kombinerer matematikk, statistikk og ...
30.04.2018 · Successful data science requires a mixture of statistics, computer science and domain knowledge. In DataScience@UiO, we bridge the first of these gaps by bringing statisticians and computer scientists from the Factulty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences together, and the other by bringing in industry-heavy research centers such as BigInsight and …
27.10.2021 · 18:35 – "Why uncertainty matters in the age of deep learning and big data" by Simen Eide, PhD student from the Statistics and Data Science Group at UiO, data scientist at Finn.no 19:05 – "Standing on the shoulders of data: Current research in Language Technology" by Professor Lilja Øvrelid from the Language Technology Group at UiO
DataScience@UiO is one of the UiO Innovation Clusters. It consists of four PhD Research Fellows working on different aspects of Data Science. The cluster is on ...
Utvalgte programkrav (bare synlig for UiO-tilsatte). Studieplasser. 20. Krav til faglig fordypning. Bachelorgrad. For opptak til masterstudier må du ha fullført ...
Check your admission requirements and when to apply. Answer three questions in our admission guide to get. your application deadline. admission requirements.
20.04.2021 · Data Science (master's two years) Data Science is the science of extracting knowledge or insight from various types of data. The study of Data Science combines mathematics, statistics and informatics making you ready for meeting the Data revolution.
Computational science is about the development of methods and algorithms to solve and understand complex phenomena and problems. Data science is about the development of methods, algorithms and systems to organize, refine and extract knowledge from data. dScience merges computational science and data science. contact@dscience.uio.no.
23.12.2021 · Course content. This course is equivalent with ECON3170 – Data Science for Economists. Knowledge of computers and programming is becoming more important, also for economists. This course is aimed at introducing programming and computational tools useful for future careers as economists.
UiO dScience – Senter for data- og beregningsvitenskap. Søk i nettsidene til UiO Søk. Forsiden dScience; ... Universitetet i Oslo lanserer et nytt videreutdanningsprogram innen «data science» for deg som er i jobb og ønsker å vite mer om hvilke …
Admission. Students at UiO must apply for courses in Studentweb. If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about ...
MAE4000 – Data Science ... Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for ...
22.12.2021 · Data Science (master - to år) Fakta om programmet. Studiepoeng: 120. Studiet varer: 2 år. Data Science er vitenskapen om å trekke ut kunnskap eller innsikt fra ulike typer data. Studiet av Data Science kombinerer matematikk, statistikk og informatikk, og gjør deg klar til å møte revolusjonen innen data-tilgjengelighet.